Today with my partner in the mutual awakening practice, we were immediately immersed in such calm, peace, and exquisite silence that it was like falling into a deep warm pool where layers upon layers dropped and relaxed. – at one with each other and with something higher and greater.
At one point we both shared this sense of being in a Cathedral or within tall, wooded trees reaching up to the sky and then it was more like we were the Cathedral or the tall, wooded trees; literally embodying the essence of these sacred structures. We felt ourselves growing taller, higher and more upright and it was not just physically. It was as though certain qualities were being evoked like integrity, perseverance, and wholehearted, unwavering commitment.
The words came out of my mouth: “Allegiance to a higher Order of Being” – that is what we are embodying – allegiance to a higher order of being. We were stopped in our tracks – soaking in the significance of those words that continued to reverberate and sink in deeper.
I thought later, it is like we are knights of a higher order standing firm in our commitment.
This realm that we enter into in practice points to such a beautiful way of being that is so beyond our usual reacting, rushing strategic selves…a truly glorious possibility for humanity.
Sukhin Tye
April 24, 2023beautiful, more and deeper than a Higehr-We Intelligence. A Beingness aligned naturally.
Judy Fox
April 24, 2023Very beautifully expressed Sukhin.
April 24, 2023What a precious, blessed state of being you describe so beautifully.
Judy Fox
April 24, 2023Thank you Barney.
Paula Prober
April 24, 2023It was magnificent, Judy.
Judy Fox
April 24, 2023Yes absolutely.
April 24, 2023Thank you so much Judy. Beautiful. Yes that! Yes, being in the evolutionary collective, we are!
Judy Fox
April 24, 2023Yes a BIG YES!