

Allegiance to a Higher Order of Being

Today with my partner in the mutual awakening practice, we were immediately immersed in such calm, peace, and exquisite silence that it was like falling into a deep warm pool where layers upon layers dropped and relaxed. – at one with each other and with something higher and greater. At one point we both shared this sense of being in a Cathedral or within tall, wooded trees reaching up to the sky and then it was more like we were...

A Place where Poetry, Visions and Dreams are Born

I started Spotlight Planet Earth in 2016, after getting seriously involved with our climate crisis. Since then, I have written a whole series of essays sharing what I’ve been learning, reading, doing, questioning and even struggling with, always aware of the complexity and enormity of this planet predicament we are all in. My involvement has continued, but more recently, in my last four essays, I’ve written about something else; something that is of utmost importance to me. In this essay and...

Ever Evolving, Transforming…

In my last three essays I’ve chosen to write about a new spiritual practice that is, in its own way, creating a new world: a new way of being, and it’s just at the beginning. I wrote at the end of the last essay: “In this reality that we are exploring together, there is no weight, nothing to work out, nothing to solve, no karma. Just a depth of oneness and love. You might ask: Is this really possible? It...

Dissolving all Edges and Boundaries

In my last two essays, I’ve segued into writing about what sustains, nourishes and uplifts me during these troubled times and in particular about a group I’ve been involved in for the last eleven plus years called the Evolutionary Collective led by the modern mystic and visionary Patricia Albere. I’ve been sharing about a practice we do that, as I wrote, “isn’t something we have done before. It’s a new practice, the Mutual Awakening Practice, that is tapping into an...

What is this Love?

In my last blog essay called “What sustains me during these troubling times” I wrote about a practice called the mutual awakening practice that is happening with an ever-growing community of people from all over the world. I said, “It’s a collective practice that I’ve been doing for the past eleven plus years and points to new potentials, possibilities for us as human beings where there is transparency, trust, acute aliveness and effortless interest” and “in future blog posts, just...

What sustains me during these troubled times?

I started Spotlight Planet Earth in 2016, after jumping into the climate crisis arena and not being sure which way to act. At the end of my first blog post I wrote: “I want to share what I am learning, doing, questioning, even struggling with as well as share books, films, people, podcasts, blog posts that particularly touch me. It will definitely be an evolving blog site with the sense that I am not so different from many others who...

Since the Virus Infiltrated Our Shores

It’s taking people time to really face into the reality of this pandemic. For all of us, old or young, an event such as this has never happened in our lifetime or even in the collective distant memory of our lifetime. Yes, sure there was the Spanish Influenza in 1918 that may have killed more than 50 million lives and yet even that event was not deeply in our awareness. It’s only now that I and many others are tuning...

Part 2: Cracks in the Narrative

In my previous essay, Pt 1, I wrote about our country’s simple narrative connected to the strong tendency – perhaps not so different from other countries – that glorifies a past that was certainly not all bad but was definitely not all good. It’s a simple narrative of a country that has had noble ideals such as freedom, equality and justice for all; a new type government by the people, for the people and of the people which, though not...

Part 1: Why are we so slow to recognize the crisis of climate change?

Why is this country so slow at recognizing the crisis of climate change that is already showing its “scary face” in our country? Yes, I know there can be many answers to this question. There is the whole fossil fuel investment that is huge; there is the whole sense that we are somehow immune or protected from climate change’s effects – it’s happening somewhere else. (There have actually been studies that say our brains literally cannot cognize such disastrous events...

A Meeting in Tenderness

I recently was at a Deep Adaptation gathering in western Massachusetts. Deep Adaptation is based on the writings and talks of Jem Bendell who is a professor of Sustainability Leadership at the University of Cumbria in the United Kingdom. About three years ago, he took a sabbatical from his University work to grapple with the undeniable climate data – data that reveals it is very unlikely we are going to avert a climate or societal collapse of catastrophic proportions. From...