Written by Guest blogger Uli Nagel
Loud and Clear
I climbed the hill behind the house
Slipping on years and years of leaves
piled high on the steep forest floor.
I huff-puffed
the winter sloth
into the first breeze of spring,
and reached the top
of the rocky drop
into a valley
that belongs to maples;
a spontaneous reserve
on acres of abandoned paper mill,
sweet, untouched nature since the day
someone had dropped a tire there.
On the road below
A motor-bike roars: “ready to go”
Into the mild, soft air.
In front of me, below,
the tall straight maples are still,
so quiet, and that is strange
this time of year.
Just then I notice,
I did not listen hard enough,
No, soft enough,
to find the songbird’s octaves here.
They’re hidden in the cycle’s roar
just like the tiny
bodies in the trees.
April 20, 2017Uli, great poem!
April 22, 2017Beautiful touching poem that makes us aware how far we hsve gone in overriding the depth, beauty and intelligence of the sacred nature .It is time we start respecting and listening to this right order because it is us! We can.t separate ourselves because if we do we are destroying ourselves .thank you Uli Nagel and thank you Spotlight planet earth !Geesje